I don’t wear a lot of jewelry, and what I do wear typically lives in organized plastic bags. I know, super classy. Anyway, I found a cute little wooden box for $12 at a thrift store the other day and thought it would make an excellent jewelry box. Spray paint jewelry box, yes please!

spray paint jewelry box

There were noticeable cracks in the wood on the top, so I pushed some wood filler in the cracks with my fingers and cleaned it up with a Q-tip. After it dried, I lightly sanded the filler.

spray paint jewelry box filler

I contemplated what color to paint it and thought a nice pop of yellow would be nice, especially since it would sit atop our dresser in the bedroom. First, I gave it a layer of primer.

spray paint jewelry box primer

Then a layer of bright glossy yellow paint. I was going for a lacquered look. The box took two light layers of paint and a few hours to dry.

spray paint jewelry box yellow

After the paint completely cured, I bought it inside. Maybe I’m lazy, or maybe the plastic bag thing just works really well for me, but I ended up just putting all the baggies in the box, haha. But hey! At least I can close the box and hide the bags! One of these days I’ll properly organize this stuff. For now, it happily lives on the dresser.

spray paint jewelry box after

I like how it’s all bright and modern looking, but then super antiquey looking on the inside with its water-damaged mirror. I considered breaking it out and replacing it, but figured it wasn’t doing any harm and I liked the imperfection.

Any thrifty finds in your life improved by spray paint? Any spray paint jewelry box projects in your life?

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