Many moons ago, we bought a couple of IKEA LACK floating shelves for the living room. They worked well enough, but truthfully, they didn’t fill the space that well. I needed some shelves for the nursery, so I decided to reuse the LACK shelves. (We have something different happening for the living room!)

I was able to hang them by myself, but I promise, it’d be 1000x easier with a second set of hands. I just enjoy making things difficult for myself, apparently.

Hanging it is standard though. Find studs. Align. Level. Mark. Drill for anchors. Hang. I used super heavy duty anchors in addition to mounting the bar in a stud.

I think there are holes for 16 screws. I didn’t use that many because it was secured well in studs. But it’s nice that the option is there.

Then it was just a matter of sliding the shelves on the mounted bars. Fun fact: I pinched my finger SO HARD and made a blood blister. It was magical. (I was also catching up on The Good Wife at the time. Best drama on TV? Best drama on TV.)

We have a few things on the shelves, including some of husband’s old toy cars. I think I’m going to get some baskets to throw things in for easy access and simple organizing. Like wipes and health care stuff. Obviously, still need to grab a changing pad. Not that I’m cutting things close at 39 weeks or anything.

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